API Reference

Skrapp API is built aroundREST. Our API has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which are understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. We supportcross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from a client-side web application (though you should never expose your secret API key in any public website's client-side code).JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.


All of our API endpoints are HTTPS secured. HTTP requests are rejected.



In order to reach our API endpoints, you need to authenticate using your API keyYour API Key goes herewhich you must include in your HTTP request header "X-Access-Key".

Authentication to the API is performed viaHTTP Basic Auth.

Your API key serves for authentication and identification, you should keep it secret.

Simple HTTP request with API key

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/account" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

If you are logged in, your API key is included in all the examples on this page, so you can test any example right away. Only you can see this value.

Email Finder

The Email Finder API endpoint allows you to find emails programmatically. It returns an email based on a first name, last name and a domain name.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

  • Content-Type


URL Query Attributes
  • firstName

    The first name attributeText

  • lastName

    The last name attributeText

  • domain

    The domain name of the company. Example: skrapp.io. This attribute is case-insensitiveText

JSON ResponseObject
  • Email

    The email resultText

  • pattern

    The email format pattern of the companyText

  • quality

    The verification status of the emailObject

Quality ObjectObject
  • status

    The status code of the email verification. The possible values of this attribute are: ok (Valid), nok (Invalid), oka (Catch-All)Text

  • status_message

    The readable message reply of the email verificationText

Email Finder request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/find?firstName=John&lastName=Doe&domain=skrapp.io" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type":"application/json"

Email Finder JSON response

{ "email": "john.doe@skrapp.io", "quality": { "status": "ok", "status_message": "john.doe@skrapp.io is a valid email address." } }

Email Verifier

The Email Verifier API endpoint allows you to verify emails programmatically. It returns email validity status, syntax, format and mailbox type.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

  • Content-Type


URL Query Attributes
  • email

    The email attributeText

JSON ResponseObject
  • email

    The email addressText

  • domain

    Domain of emailText

  • email_status

    The email statusText

  • message

    The message response from the apiText

  • format

    The format which is either 'valid' or 'invalid'Text

  • mailbox_type

    'professional' | 'temporary' | 'webmail'Text

  • mailbox_exchange

    The mailbox_exchange of the emailText

Email Verfier request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/v3/verify?email=john.doe@skrapp.io" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type":"application/json"

Email Verifier JSON response

{ "email": "john.doe@skrapp.io", "domain": "skrapp.io", "email_status": "valid", "message": "The email is valid", "format": "valid", "mailbox_status": "valid", "mailbox_type": "professional", "mailbox_exchange": "webmail" }

Bulk Email Finder

The Bulk Email Finder API endpoint allows you to find emails in bulk programmatically. It takes as a request body, an array of names and companies, and returns an array of emails along with complementary data.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

  • Content-Type


Request Body Rules
  • Limit


Request BodyArray of the below Object
  • firstName


  • lastName


  • domain

    The domain name of the company. Example: skrapp.io. This attribute is case-insensitiveText

JSON ResponseArray of the below Object
  • firstName


  • lastName


  • name


  • company


  • email


  • quality

    Contains the verification status of the emailObject

Bulk Email Finder request example

curl -X POST "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/find_bulk" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '[{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","domain":"microsoft.com"},{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","domain":"salesforce.com"}]'

Bulk Email Finder JSON response

[ { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "name": "John Doe", "domain": "microsoft.com", "company": "Microsoft", "companyLinkedinID": 1035, "email": "john.doe@microsoft.com", "quality": { "status": "oka" } }, { "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "name": "John Doe", "domain": "salesforce.com", "company": "Salesforce", "companyLinkedinID": 3185, "email": "jdoe@salesforce.com", "quality": { "status": "oka" } } ]

Bulk Email Verifier

The Bulk Email Verifier API endpoint allows you to verify emails in bulk programmatically. It takes input an array of emails from different domains as a param and returns their verification status object in an array.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

  • Content-Type


Request Body Rules
  • Limit


URL Query Attributes
  • email

    The email attributeArray

JSON ResponseArray [Verification Object]
  • email

    The email addressText

  • domain

    Domain of emailText

  • email_status

    The email statusText

  • message

    The message response from the apiText

  • format

    The format which is either 'valid' or 'invalid'Text

  • mailbox_type

    'professional' | 'temporary' | 'webmail'Text

  • mailbox_exchange

    The mailbox_exchange of the emailText

Bulk Email Verfier request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/v3/verify_bulk?email=john.doe@skrapp.io,magnus@skrapp.io" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type":"application/json"

Bulk Email Verifier JSON response

[ { "email": "john.doe@skrapp.io", "domain": "skrapp.io", "email_status": "valid", "message": "The email is valid", "format": "valid", "mailbox_status": "valid", "mailbox_type": "professional", "mailbox_exchange": "webmail" }, { "email": "magnus@skrapp.io", "domain": "skrapp.io", "email_status": "invalid", "message": "The email is invalid", "format": "valid", "mailbox_status": "valid", "mailbox_type": "professional", "mailbox_exchange": "webmail" } ]

Company Data Search

The Company Data Search API endpoint offers a powerful tool for accessing a wealth of valuable business information about any company. This API empowers users with the ability to explore comprehensive data sets, ranging from company profiles and financial performance metrics to industry trends. By leveraging this API, businesses can conduct in-depth research on their competitors, potential partners, or clients. Moreover, the API provides access to financial reports, revenue figures, growth trajectories, and other critical financial indicators, aiding in making well-informed investment decisions or assessing a company's stability and potential for collaboration.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

URL Query Attributes
  • kw

    Keyword of the company. Can either be a company name, domain or website.RequiredText

JSON ResponseObject
  • results

    An array containing results of companies objects. Company object detailed below.Array<Company>

  • name

    Company nameText

  • domain

    Company domain name (E.G.: skrapp.io)Text

  • website

    Company website URL (E.G.: https://skrapp.io)Text

  • industry

    Company industry (E.G.: Information Technologies)Text

  • type

    Type of the company (E.G.: Private/Public)Text

  • linkedin_url

    Linkedin URLText

  • specialities

    Company specialities.Text Array

  • revenue

    Estimated revenue of the company.Text

  • employee_count

    Exact number of employees working for the company.Number

  • employee_count_range

    Employee count range.Text

  • address

    Address of the headquartersText

  • city

    City of the headquartersText

  • country

    Country of the headquartersText

  • geo_area

    Geographic area of the headquarters Text

  • postal_code

    Postal code of the headquartersText

  • crunchbase_url

    Crunchbase.com URLText

  • logo_url_primary

    Primary URL of the company logo provided by Skrapp.io logos API.Text

  • logo_url_secondary

    Fallback URL of the company logo provided by Skrapp.io logos API.Text

Company data search request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/lwh/company/search?kw=skrapp.io" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type":"application/json"

Company Search JSON response

{ "results": [ { "lid": 19223256, "name": "Skrapp.io", "domain": "skrapp.io", "website": "https://skrapp.io", "industry": "Technology, Information and Internet", "type": "Privately Held", "linkedin_url": "https://linkedin.com/company/19223256", "revenue": "500 THOUSAND USD - 1 MILLION USD", "employee_count": 6, "employee_count_range": "2-10", "address": "160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Centre", "city": "Singapore", "country": "Singapore", "geo_area": "Singapore", "postal_code": "068914", "logo_url_primary": "https://logos.skrapp.io/company/19223256", "logo_url_secondary": "https://logos-cdn.skrapp.io/logos/skrapp.io" } ] }

Account Data

The account data enpoint allows you to retrieve your account data programmatically. Your account data contains your name, email, social accounts, package, package expiry date, search credits and your lists names and IDs.

HTTP Request
HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

JSON Response
  • package

    Your current plan or packageText

  • packageRDate

    Your monthly subscription renewal date OR your package expiry date. This depends on your type of enrollment (Monthly OR One Time Purchase).Timestamp

  • credit

    Your current credits. Used credits and total quotaObject

  • options

    Your account privileges and optionsObject

  • lists

    Your lists information. This attribute does not return your lists data. Another resource is dedicated to thisArray

Account request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/account" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

Account JSON Response

{ "name": "John Doe", "email": "john.doe@skrapp.io", "package": "Enterprise plan", "packageRDate": 1507089600000, "credit": { "email": { "quota": 20000, "used": 1000 } }, "options": { "csv_import": true }, "lists": [ { "id": 1, "name": "List 1", "path": "/app/list/1" }, { "id": 2, "name": "List 2", "path": "/app/list/2" } ] }

List Data

The list data endpoint allows you to retrieve all the metadata related to one of your lists. This endpoint does not return the leads saved in your list.

HTTP Request
URL Parameters
  • listId (/:listId/)

    The ID of the listRequired

HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

JSON Response
  • list_id

    The ID of your listNumber

  • name

    The name of your listText

  • creation_date

    The creation date and time of your listDatetime

  • count_leads

    The number of leads saved in your listNumber

List data request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/list/:listId" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

List data JSON Response

{ "list_id": 10000, "name": "My List", "creation_date": "2020-07-16T18:34:27.325Z", "count_leads": 75 }

List Leads

The list leads endpoint allows you to retrieve leads from your lists. You can specify the list ID and other optional parameters to retrieve leads in a JSON format.

HTTP Request
URL Parameters
  • listId (/:listId/)

    The ID of the listRequired

URL Query Attributes
  • start

    The maximum value of the leads ID field. This ID is not inclusive
    OptionalNumberDefault: ID of most recent lead

  • size

    The number of leads to return per query
    OptionalNumberDefault: 25Maximum: 500

  • kw

    A text keyword filter applied to the name, email, title, company website, and company name fieldOptionalText

HTTP Headers
  • X-Access-Key

    Your API key

JSON Response
  • count_results

    The overall number of results if a keyword is providedNumber

  • next_start

    The value of the "start" query paramater for the next queryNumber

  • data

    An array containing the leads returned by your queryArray

List Leads request example

curl "https://api.skrapp.io/api/v2/list/:listId/leads?start=0&size=100&kw=John" -H "X-Access-Key:Your API Key" -H "Content-Type:application/json"

List Leads JSON Response

{ "count_results": 1000, "next_start": 100, "data": [ { "id": 1, "name": "John Doe", "first_n": "John", "last_nd": "Doe", "email": "john@example.com", "email_status": "ok", "linkedin_url": "linkedin.com/in/john-doe", "location": "Delaware, US", "domain": "example.com", "company_industry": "Internet", "compnay_founded": "2020", "company_size": 50, "company_hq": "Delaware, US" } ] }