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Company Search

Find email addresses of professionals working in any company.









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Find employees and email addresses of any company.

The company email finder is the easiest solution to find people working in any company and look up their professional email addresses. Start a search by providing a company name and instantly get access to millions of professionals profiles and emails. Then, save your data in your dashboard or favorite CRM or email service provider.

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Find employees and email addresses of any company

Lookup More Business Emails — Grow Your Outreach

LinkedIn Email Finder

Easily find verified email addresses from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator in seconds. Convert LinkedIn into a powerful lead generation tool and connect with the right decision-makers effortlessly.

Bulk Email Finder

Lookup valid email addresses from CSV or Excel files. Enrich your existing databases with relevant data.

Email Finder API

Integrate email search directly into your workflow using our API. Automate finding verified email addresses at scale with seamless automation, powering your applications with high-quality data.

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Common questions about Company Search

Skrapp Company Search allows you to find the email addresses of specific employees at a company. On the Skrapp dashboard, go to Database Search > Company Search. Enter the company name or website address. Select the company from the suggestions, and it will list the company details along with the names, positions, and locations of the employees. You can select the employees you wish to add to your list, and Skrapp Company Search will provide verified email addresses of the employees associated with this domain. Learn more about Company Search here.

Yes! You can also install the Skrapp extension and visit a website to extract the email addresses of employees at that company.

By default, Skrapp performs a validity check on each email address before sharing it with you. Moreover, we only deduct credits for valid and catch-all email addresses. So far, we have observed a 98% accuracy rate for our domain and email address searches.

Skrapp provides 100 free credits each month, which you can use for any type of search, including the company email finder feature.

All of this data is gathered from public sources such as LinkedIn, company websites, and other similar platforms.

You can download or extract the data in CSV format, or use your CRM integrations to export the names, email addresses, and other information of your prospects and companies.

If you are looking for a specific person in a company, we suggest going back to the Email Finder tab on the dashboard. Enter the person's name and the company domain name, then hit the search button. We will provide you with a verified email address for that person.

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Skrapp logo Your B2B Lead Generation Solution! Find verified business emails and enrich company data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator effortlessly.

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