Google Chrome Extension

Over 100K Chrome Extension Users
Email Finder Extension
Find professional email addresses from company websites and LinkedIn instantly and for free.
5M+ professionals across industries rely on Skrapp
Find emails from any company's website.
Company Email Website Finder Chrome extension is the easiest and most integrated way to find employees and professional emails directly from company websites. In addition, get business information such as the industry, revenue, headquarters, and the number of employees without leaving your browser tab.

How it Works

Download Chrome Extension
Download Skrapp Chrome extension from the Chrome extension store and log in or create your free account to start using the extension.

Launch Search
Open the website you’re targeting and click on the chrome extension icon to launch your search. A pop-up will unfold containing essential information about the website's business.

View Results
Click on “View Results in Web Application” to open the results in your dashboard. Once you are redirected to your dashboard, select the list where you want to save your prospects.
Connect with anyone on Linkedin.
LinkedIn Email Finder
Learn how's Chrome extension can help you turn LinkedIn and Sales Navigator into an email lookup platform directly from search pages and profiles.
Learn more about Linkedin Integration
How it Works

Download Chrome Extension
Download Skrapp Chrome extension from the Chrome extension store and log in or create your free account to start using the extension.

Open Prospect LinkedIn profile
Navigate to your prospect’s Linkedin profile and click on the Skrapp Chrome extension icon from your extensions bar. A pop-up window with your prospect's information will display on your screen.

View Results
Select the list where you want to save your results and click on \“Save.\” Access your prospects' information and professional email addresses from your dashboard.
Global Data For All Segments
Completed over 2 billion email search queries to date
Recorded 80% success in prospect email discovery
Added over 150 million professionals to our database
Curated over 20 million companies across industries