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Over 15k+ Happy Customers

Over 15k+ Happy Customers

Lead Search

Find leads and email addresses all in one place

Discover professionals and their emails from your target market using a database of 20M+ companies and 150M+ professional profile. Refreshed daily. At your access.









5M+ professionals across industries rely on Skrapp

Social Bloom

Connect with relevant professionals

Discover professionals & companies as per your ICP

Got an ICP that defines your target market? With Lead Search, set parameters like company type, industry, employee count, geo, founding year, revenue, funding status, and more. The best part? Instant results right on your screen.

Connect with relevant professionals
Find key info about your leads

Find key info about your leads

Whether you're after broad specs like industry and geo or diving deep into filters like founding year and funding status, Lead Search in your Skrapp web app delivers targeted results, opening doors to new market segments.

Scale up your prospecting game

Scale up your prospecting game

Found your match in our database? Ready to reach out? Bulk enrich work emails or handpick your top prospects. Extract your winning lead list in .CSV/.XLSX or transfer it to your CRM—be it HubSpot, Salesforce, Outreach, Pipedrive, or Zoho.

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Scale up your prospecting game

Welcome to a goldmine of prospect data

Lead Search lets you expedite your outreach efforts by performing all the necessary steps within your Skrapp account. Going forward, you don't need to switch tabs between prospect websites or LinkedIn.

Discover Advanced & Integrated Email Finder Tools

LinkedIn Email Finder

Find valid email addresses from LinkedIn and Sales navigator in seconds.

Email Finder

Find valid email addresses for key professionals and decision-makers relevant to your business.

Email Verifier

Verify your email lists to ensure a high deliverability rate.

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Skrapp.io: Your B2B Lead Generation Solution! Find verified business emails and enrich company data from LinkedIn and Sales Navigator effortlessly.

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