How to enrich leads emails from LinkedIn Sales Navigator profiles?

Learn how to use Chrome Extension to look up the professional email addresses of leads from Sales Navigator profiles.

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  1. Head to your LinkedIn Sales Navigator account.

  2. Navigate to a lead profile page.

  3. Click on the Skrapp Chrome extension icon. You will then be provided with the email address and other business information.

  4. Lastly, click on the 'View List' option to be redirected to your Skrapp dashboard where you can view all your saved leads. You can then sync the enriched data with your CRM or export the contacts list in a .CSV or .XLSX format.

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Linkedin Email Finder

Never miss an opportunity again


No. Leads will not know that you searched for their email nor visited their profile.

Absolutely! You can use LinkedIn Email Finder - Profile to do so.

No, only saving emails will deduct credits from your account.

Yes, we keep track of every email you search since the creation of your account. You only consume your search credits when you find an email for the first time.

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