8 min read

8 Best Email Tracking Software to Integrate with your Gmail and Outlook

Best Email Tracking Software and Tools
On this page

It's natural to wonder if your email recipients have opened or interacted with your messages. While some email platforms offer built-in tracking for marketing campaigns, individual emails sent through Gmail or Outlook typically lack this functionality.

Fortunately, numerous free email tracking tools integrate seamlessly with Gmail and Outlook, allowing you to track opens and clicks for both one-on-one and bulk emails.

Before exploring specific tools, let's delve into the key features to consider when choosing an email tracking solution.

Why’s Email Tracking Important?

Email tracking is important because it provides valuable insights into how recipients engage with your emails. It lets you see if your message is being heard. This can be beneficial in a couple of key ways:

Improved Campaign Performance: By tracking open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics, you can gauge the effectiveness of your email campaigns. This data helps you understand what content resonates with your audience and what might need improvement.

Better Communication: Knowing if someone has opened your email allows you to tailor your follow-up strategy. For instance, if a recipient hasn't opened your email, you might decide to send a friendly reminder or adjust the subject line to be more attention-grabbing.

What to Look for In an Email Tracking Software?

Core Functionality:

  • Tracking Metrics: Look for software that tracks essential metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and ideally, even location and time of opens (be mindful of privacy regulations).
  • Integration: Ensure the software integrates smoothly with your email client (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) for seamless use.
  • Reporting & Analytics: Choose a tool that offers clear reports and dashboards to visualize your email performance data.

Additional Features (depending on your needs):

  • Automated Follow-Ups: Some software allows you to schedule automated follow-up emails if your initial message isn't opened.
  • Link Tracking: Track which specific links within your email are being clicked.
  • Mail Merge Compatibility: If you send mass emails, ensure compatibility with mail merge features for personalization.
  • Security & Privacy: Look for software that prioritizes data security and adheres to privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

Other Considerations:

  • Pricing: Options range from free plans with limited features to paid plans with advanced functionalities. Choose a plan that aligns with your budget and needs.
  • Ease of Use: Consider the software's user interface and how easy it is to navigate and understand.

Summary of Best Email Tracking Software and Tools



G2 rating



FREE for 5 emails / month. Starts from $29 / month.


Gmail and Outlook





Right Inbox




Mailbutler's Email Tracking

14-day free trial. Starts from $4.95 / month.


Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail

Boomerang for Gmail

FREE for 10 emails / month. Starts from $4.98 / month

billed annually.



Boomerang for Outlook

FREE for 10 emails / month. Starts from $4.99 / month

billed annually.




FREE for 10 recipients / month. Starts at $19 / month / user


Gmail and Outlook

Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack)



Gmail and Outlook





1. Lavender

Lavender - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool


  • Basic: Free forever
  • Starter: $29 / month 
  • Individual Pro: $49 / month


  • Simple and intuitive user interface.
  • Offers real-time email tracking.
  • Provides detailed analytics and reporting.
  • Integrates well with Gmail.


  • Limited features compared to some other tools.
  • Might lack advanced customization options.

2. Streak

Streak - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool

Pricing: FREE


  • Powerful CRM functionalities integrated within Gmail.
  • Offers email tracking features.
  • Customizable pipelines for managing workflows.
  • Supports collaboration within teams.


  • Steeper learning curve for new users.
  • Some advanced features are available only in paid plans.

3. Right Inbox

Right Inbox - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool

Pricing: FREE


  • Seamless integration with Gmail.
  • Provides email tracking, scheduling, and follow-up functionalities.
  • Offers email templates for quick composing.
  • Supports email reminders.


  • Limited integration with other email clients.
  • Some features may feel basic compared to other tools.

4. Mailbutler's Email Tracking

Mailbutler email tracking


  • Tracking: $4.95 
  • Professional: $8.95
  • Smart: $14.95
  • Business: $32.95


  • Real-time alerts on email opens to enhances response rates with timely follow-ups.
  • Tracks opens, clicks, and link activity.
  • Allows customized follow-ups based on user engagement.
  • Compatible with Apple Mail, Outlook, and Gmail.


  • Advanced tracking features require a subscription fee.
  • Potential barrier for small businesses or individual users.

5 (a). Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang for Gmail - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool


  • FREE: 10 emails / Month
  • Personal: $4.98 / month billed annually
  • Pro: $14.98 / month billed annually
  • Premium: $49.98 / month billed annually


  • Advanced email scheduling and reminders.
  • Offers email tracking and follow-up features.
  • Provides Inbox Pause functionality.
  • Seamless integration with Gmail.


  • Limited functionality for non-Gmail users.
  • Can be pricey for full feature access.

5 (b). Boomerang for Outlook

Boomerang for Outlook - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool


  • FREE: 10 emails / Month
  • Personal: $4.99 / month billed annually
  • Pro: $14.99 / month billed annually


  • Similar features to Boomerang for Gmail but tailored for Outlook users.
  • Offers email tracking, scheduling, and reminders.
  • Seamless integration with Outlook.


  • Might lack some advanced features compared to Gmail version.
  • Limited compatibility with other email clients.

6. Yesware

Yesware - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool


  • FREE: 10 recipients / month
  • Pro: $19 month / user 
  • Premium: $45 month / user 
  • Enterprise: $85 month / user 


  • Advanced email tracking and analytics.
  • Provides CRM integration.
  • Offers email templates and scheduling.
  • Supports team collaboration features.


  • Can be expensive for small businesses or individuals.
  • Some features might feel overwhelming for casual users.

7. Mailsuite (formerly Mailtrack)

Mailsuite - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool

Pricing: FREE


  • Simple and easy-to-use email tracking tool.
  • Provides real-time tracking notifications.
  • Offers both free and premium versions.


  • Lacks some advanced features compared to other tools.
  • Might not be suitable for users needing extensive analytics.

8. Mixmax

Mixmax - Best Email Tracking Software and Tool

Pricing: FREE


  • Feature-rich with advanced email tracking, scheduling, and automation.
  • Offers interactive email functionalities like polls and surveys.
  • Supports CRM integration.
  • Provides detailed analytics and reporting.


  • Higher pricing compared to some other tools.
  • Might have a steeper learning curve for new users.

Feature Comparison of Email Tracking Tools




Right Inbox

Mailbutler's Email Tracking

Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang for Outlook


Mailsuite (Mailtrack)


Free Plan

Free with limited features



Free for 14 days

Free with limited features

Free with limited features

Free with limited features



Open Tracking

Click Tracking

Link Shortening


Send Later Scheduling


Email Sequences

Paid Plans


Paid Plans

Paid Plans


Team Collaboration

Paid Plans


Paid plans

Paid Plans

Paid Plans



Gmail and Outlook



Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail



Gmail and Outlook

Gmail and Outlook


Also read:

How does Email Tracking Work?

Email tracking works by embedding a tiny, invisible image (called a tracking pixel) within the email. When the recipient opens the email, this image loads from the server, notifying the sender that the email has been opened. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:

  1. Creation: An email is created and a tracking pixel (a tiny 1x1 pixel image) is embedded within it.
  2. Sending: The email is sent to the recipient.
  3. Opening: When the recipient opens the email, their email client loads the tracking pixel from the server where it is hosted.
  4. Notification: The server logs this action, recording details such as the time the email was opened, the device used, and sometimes even the recipient’s location.
  5. Reporting: The sender receives a notification or report that includes these details, confirming that the email was opened.

This process allows senders to monitor the effectiveness of their email campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly.

Does Email Tracking Impact the Deliverability?

Yes, email tracking can impact deliverability, but it depends on several factors:

  1. Spam Filters: Some email providers and spam filters may flag emails with tracking pixels as potential spam or promotional content. This can lead to emails being sent to the spam folder rather than the recipient’s inbox.
  2. User Trust: Recipients who are aware of email tracking might find it intrusive and mark the email as spam, which can negatively affect the sender’s reputation and future deliverability rates.
  3. Privacy Regulations: Regulations like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California require transparency and consent for tracking. Failure to comply can lead to emails being blocked or legal repercussions.
  4. Image Blocking: Many email clients block images by default, including tracking pixels. If recipients don’t enable images, the tracking pixel won’t load, making tracking less effective and potentially affecting the sender’s analytics and decision-making.

To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to use email tracking responsibly, ensure compliance with privacy laws, and focus on maintaining a good sender reputation by providing valuable and relevant content to recipients. If you are unsure, you use an email deliverability tool to check and improve it.

When Should You Avoid using Email Tracking

  1. Sensitive or Confidential Communications: When sending emails that contain sensitive or confidential information, tracking can be seen as an invasion of privacy and may erode trust.
  2. Compliance with Privacy Laws: If you’re sending emails to recipients in regions with strict privacy laws (like GDPR in Europe or CCPA in California) and you don’t have explicit consent for tracking, it’s best to avoid it to prevent legal issues.
  3. High Privacy-Conscious Recipients: If your audience is particularly privacy-conscious, using tracking might result in negative reactions, such as recipients marking your emails as spam or unsubscribing from your list.
  4. Personal or Informal Emails: For personal or informal communications, tracking might be perceived as overly intrusive and unnecessary.
  5. Deliverability Concerns: If you’re experiencing deliverability issues and suspect that tracking pixels are contributing to emails being flagged as spam, it might be wise to temporarily avoid using them.
  6. Respecting Relationships: In cases where maintaining a strong, respectful relationship with the recipient is crucial (e.g., with business partners or important clients), avoid tracking to preserve trust.

Balancing the benefits of email tracking with respect for recipients’ privacy and trust is key to maintaining a positive and effective email strategy.

Did We Miss Any Names?

If we missed anything, feel free to reach out and tell us which email tracking software and tool you prefer, along with its pros and cons, and we will update the list.

In the meantime, if you need help with building your prospect list, try Skrapp to reach out to the right people. You can use our LinkedIn finder extension, People Search, to comb through our database, and finally, verify the email addresses to avoid sending them to the deactivated accounts.