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What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Introduction for Beginners

What is LinkedIn Sales Navigator
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Modern sales are tough. Finding qualified leads and reaching busy decision-makers can be a constant struggle.

Here's where LinkedIn shines for B2B sales. It's a massive network of professionals, making it a goldmine for lead generation.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator - a tool specifically designed by LinkedIn to reach prospects -  empowers sales professionals by providing advanced search filters to target the right decision-makers and connect with them directly on this trusted platform.

What is the LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid subscription service within LinkedIn specifically designed for salespeople. 

It offers advanced search features to target ideal leads, see detailed profiles of potential clients, and even bypass some connection limitations to reach decision-makers directly.

Key functionalities:

  • Sales Navigator offers advanced search filters that let you target prospects with incredible precision.
  • Get in-depth profiles on potential clients, revealing their interests, skills, and even shared connections with you.
  • Bypass connection limitations and send personalized InMails directly to key decision-makers, increasing your chances of getting a response.
  • Stay informed with real-time alerts about your leads, like job changes or industry news.

Features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator



Advanced Search

Go beyond basic searches with 45+ filters to target ideal prospects by industry, title, company size, keywords, and even recent job changes.

Lead Recommendations

Sales Navigator helps you discover new leads based on your search criteria and buying signals.

InMail Credits

Connect directly with decision-makers who you aren't connected with yet by sending personalized InMails (number of credits varies by plan).

Lead & Account Insights

Gain valuable intel on potential clients with in-depth profiles revealing their interests, skills, and even shared connections.

Real-time Lead Updates

Stay informed with alerts about job changes, industry news, and engagements for your leads.

Saved Searches & Lists

Organize your prospecting efforts by saving searches and creating custom lead lists for easy reference.

Mobile App

Access key features and manage your pipeline on the go with the Sales Navigator mobile app.

Benefits of Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Find high-quality leads: With advanced search filters and lead recommendations, you can target the most relevant decision-makers in your niche, saving time and effort.

Connect directly with decision-makers: Bypass connection limitations and send personalized InMails, increasing your chances of reaching the right people.

Gain valuable lead insights: Get in-depth profiles on potential clients, uncovering their interests, skills, and shared connections to personalize your outreach and build trust.

Stay informed with real-time updates: Receive alerts about job changes, industry news, and lead engagements, allowing you to capitalize on relevant moments to connect.

Streamline workflows: Integrate Sales Navigator with your CRM to manage your sales pipeline more efficiently and save valuable time.

Measure and improve performance: Track your outreach efforts and analyze results to identify what's working and optimize your sales strategy.

Also read: How to use LinkedIn Sales Navigator [with examples]?

Who Should Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator?

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a valuable tool specifically designed for B2B sales professionals. Here's why it's a good fit for them:

  • Account Executives & Business Development Reps: They directly benefit from advanced lead searches, InMail credits, and lead insights to target and connect with decision-makers.
  • Sales Managers & Team Leaders: Sales Navigator helps them identify ideal prospects for their teams and track their outreach performance.
  • Independent Sales Consultants: They gain access to a vast network and powerful tools to build their client base.

However, it might not be as essential for:

  • Recruiters or Marketers: While they can leverage LinkedIn, Sales Navigator's features are more tailored to B2B sales.
  • Entry-level Sales Reps: Depending on their role and company budget, the basic LinkedIn features might suffice initially.

Getting Started with LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Step 1: Head to LinkedIn, log in to your regular LinkedIn account.

Step 2: In the top navigation bar, look for the "Sales Solution" option (it might be under the "Business" or “Premium” menu).

Step 3: If you haven't already, you'll need to activate a free trial or choose a paid subscription plan.

Step 4: Sales Navigator will guide you through a quick onboarding process to define your target audience (industries, company sizes, etc.).

Step 5: Once set up, you can access features like advanced search filters, lead recommendations, and InMail capabilities.

Why Should You Use LinkedIn Sales Navigator with Skrapp?

  1. Increased Reach: InMail credits in Sales Navigator are limited, so having additional contact information from Skrapp allows you to potentially reach more leads through email.
  2. Improved Personalization: Craft more targeted and relevant messages by incorporating the extra details you find through Skrapp.
  3. Complete Lead Information: Combine Sales Navigator's insights with Skrapp's potential for additional contact details, giving you a more well-rounded picture of your leads.

How to get started?

Here are 3 steps to get started with Skrapp:

  1. Install the Skrapp Chrome Extension: Head over to the Chrome Web Store and download the Skrapp LinkedIn extension.
  2. Export Leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator: If you're using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you can export your prospect information as a file.
  3. Import Leads and Find Emails: Upload the exported file to your Skrapp dashboard to find additional email details for your prospects.

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